How to Cover A Lampshade with Fabric, Paper or Rope? Guide for DIY Lampshade
Home Decor 101
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Aug 19, 2024
Of all the many feasible do-it-yourself projects that can give your outdated lamp a chic new look, covering a lampshade is always amongst the most popular ones thanks to its customizability, simplicity, and cost-effectiveness. You may make a unique artwork that flawlessly complements your home's decor with the available materials and a little effort.
In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through all the processes on how to cover a lampshade with fabric, paper, or rope, from selecting the right materials to the final finishing touches, helping you to successfully carry out a DIY cover lampshade.
The instructions on how to cover a lampshade with fabric comes with the question about types of lampshade ideal for this material. For a fabric-covered lampshade, the material of the lampshade's base such as metal, paper or plastic can influence the final look and performance. Particularly, resin lamps can be especially suitable for a fabric-covered lampshade since this is a versatile and durable material that can be molded into various shapes and finishes, making it a good base for applying fabric. For further information on How to Make a Resin lamp and how to make it look good with fabric lampshade, check some articles on the same topic from Hirosart’s blog.
Working time
Estimated cost
Skill level
2 - 3 hours
$20 - $60
Materials and Tools for Covering a Lampshade with Fabric
Fabric of light to medium weight, like blends of polyester, cotton, or linen.
A paper, metal, plastic shades or whatever existing lampshade.
Fabric glue
Attach the fabric.
Cut the fabric with the required size.
Ruler or Straight edge
Make straight cuts as well as accurately measure the dimensions of the lampshade and fabric.
Pencil or Fabric chalk
Mark the fabric for cutting.
Clothespins or Binder clips
Hold the fabric in place while the glue dries.
Trim or Ribbon (Optional)
Add decorative edges to the lampshade.
Cutting mat (Optional)
Offer a safe working surface when cutting paper or cloth.
Measuring tape
Precisely measure the fabric and lampshade.
Make the fabric wrinkle-free before beginning the process
Decorative embellishments (Optional)
Add more personalization by adding appliques, beads, or buttons.
Note: Please note that these prices are only available at the publication date of this article but are subject to change at any time.
Step 1: Take the Fabric's measurements and Cutting
You can determine the lampshade's height and circumference with a measuring tape. For a cylindrical lampshade, measure around the circumference and from top to bottom. For other shapes, you'll need to measure accordingly. Then, add an extra 1 - 2 inches to each measurement for overlap and adjustments.
Measure and then cut the piece of fabric according to the lampshade’s height and circumference (source: home and hallow)
Next, use scissors to cut the fabric to the required size. If the lampshade is tapered or has a unique shape, you may need to cut the fabric into panels or pieces.
Step 2: Fit the Fabric to the Lampshade
Before using any glue, this step helps guarantee that the cloth fits correctly and enables you to make any necessary changes. First, lay the fabric flat on a surface, making sure it is both free of wrinkles and smooth.
Check the fit of the fabric by wrapping it around the lampshade (source: idealhome)
Then, gently wrap the fabric around the lampshade to see how it fits, and adjust the fabric to ensure even coverage and that it meets the edges of the lampshade appropriately. You can cut any excess fabric, but remember to leave about 1 - 2 inches of extra material around the edges for adjustments and gluing.
Step 3: Glue the Fabric to the Top
For cylindrical shades, start by wrapping the fabric around the lampshade to ensure it fits. Then, secure one edge of the fabric to the lampshade using hot glue or fabric glue and continue to wrap the fabric around, smoothing out wrinkles as you go. When you reach the end, trim any excess fabric, fold the raw edge under, and glue it in place.
Attach one side of the fabric to the lampshade and keep wrapping the fabric around (source: hgtv)
For non-cylindrical shades, you may need to work in sections or panels. When gluing each section of the fabric, secure it in place using straight pins. Do not forget to smooth out any wrinkles and place the fabric snugly around the shape of the lampshade. Make sure there is enough hanging down to cover the bottom edge of the lampshade.
Step 4: Glue the top onto the seam
This step ensures a secure attachment at the top of the lampshade and sets the foundation for the rest of the fabric application. Starting at the top edge of the lampshade, apply a line of glue around the seam area with a hot glue gun or fabric glue, depending on your preference. Then, use clean-release tape to secure the end, and give the glue 30 minutes to completely dry.
Put some glue in a line around the lampshade's top edge seam (source: hgtv)
After that, carefully press the top edge of the fabric onto the adhesive, smoothing it out to eliminate wrinkles and ensure a snug fit. Hold the material in place with hot glue for a few seconds until the adhesive hardens. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for how long to let fabric glue completely dry.
Step 5: Secure the Fabric to the Underside
Do the same processes as step 4 to ensure the fabric is securely attached and looks neat around the bottom edge of the lampshade, either using a hot glue gun or fabric glue.
Fold the fabric's bottom edge into the lampshade's edge (source: hgtv)
Continue folding the bottom edge of the fabric under ½ - inch over the lampshade’s edge, pressing it into the glue. As you work, press out any creases and inspect the completed seam to ensure that the amount of fabric folded under is equal and straight. After that, keep the cloth in place until the adhesive hardens. If using hot glue, this will be quick; if using fabric glue, follow the drying time instructions.
Step 6: Complete the edges and tighten the seam
To secure the seam, apply a line of glue along the seam where the fabric overlaps. Firmly press the fabric into the adhesive to guarantee a seamless, safe connection. As it dries, secure it in place with binder clips or clothespins.
Run a line of adhesive in the seam where the fabric overlaps (source: hgtv)
Next, turn the cut end under half an inch and glue it in place to make a completed edge. Press the completed edge firmly onto the shade after applying glue to its underside. Smooth the fabric to remove wrinkles and ensure it's firmly adhered.
Step 7: Secure decorative trim (Optional)
Glue a trim or ribbon around the top and bottom edges of the lampshade. Since the instructions on how to cover a lampshade with fabric are rather flexible, you can add up this optional step if you desire to cover any visible seams and add a decorative touch.
Attach a decorative trim or ribbon along the top and bottom edges of the lampshade (source: hgtv)
For detailed visual guides on how to cover a lampshade with fabric, you might want to check out this video tutorial that shows the process step-by-step, which can be especially helpful for understanding how to cover the lampshade with fabric evenly.
How to Cover a Lampshade with Paper
When carrying out a lampshade covering project, there are certain shapes particularly well-suited due to their structure and the ease of applying paper, such as drums, cylindrical, coolie, and cones. These shapes work well with paper covers and are generally easier to handle than more complex or irregular shapes. Moreover, paper-covered lampshades can provide a warm, inviting glow that complements cozy bedroom spaces and creates a conducive environment for working or studying.
Working time
Estimated cost
Skill level
2 - 3 hours
$15 - $55
Materials and Tools for Covering a Lampshade with Paper
Decorative Paper
Wrapping paper, scrapbook paper, or wallpaper.
Metal, plastic, or existing fabric
Decoupage Glue (Mod Podge)
Adhere the paper to the lampshade and provide a protective finish.
Brush or sponge
Apply the decoupage glue evenly.
Cut the paper to the correct size.
Measuring Tape
Measure the lampshade and paper accurately.
Mark the paper for cutting.
Clothespins or Binder clips
Keep the paper in place as the adhesive dries.
Clear Acrylic Spray (Optional)
Add an additional protective finish over the decoupage glue.
Note: Please note that these prices are only available at the publication date of this article but are subject to change at any time.
Step 1: Measure the Lampshade
The first step on how to cover a lampshade with paper is also determining the height and circumference of the lampshade from the uppermost to the lowermost edge. Remember to add about 1 - 2 inches (2.5 - 5cm) to both the height and circumference measurements. This extra allows for any adjustments, overlapping, and securing the edges.
Measure the lampshade from the top to the bottom edge (source: jackofallshades)
Step 2: Cut the Paper
Turn the paper over so that the wrong side is facing up. Next, use a pencil to draw the cutting lines on the paper using the measurements. Using scissors or a craft knife, cut the paper along the lines.
Cut the paper following the lines with scissors (source: treasurie)
Step 3: Apply Glue to the Lampshade
Applying glue correctly is crucial for ensuring that the paper adheres well to the lampshade and stays in place. Thus, it is very important to check that the lampshade's surface is dry and clean before beginning to apply the adhesive.
Apply mod podge to the lampshade (source: kammyskorner)
Then, use a brush to apply a thin and even layer of Mod Podge to a section of the lampshade. Start at the seam or one edge of the lampshade and be sure to cover the entire area where the paper will be applied.
Step 4: Attach the Paper to the Lampshade
Gently press the paper onto the glued area after it has been applied. Start at one edge and smooth the paper as you press it down, working out any wrinkles or bubbles. If using multiple pieces of paper, overlap the edges slightly and smooth them together. Continue applying glue in sections and pressing the paper onto the lampshade, wrapping it around until the entire lampshade is covered.
Put the paper into the adhesive area with caution (source: skiptomylou)
Step 5: Secure the Edges
Press the folded edges firmly in place after applying them with a little glue. To keep the paper in place along the top and bottom edges while the glue dries, you can use clothespins or binder clips.
Press down firmly on the folded edges with a tiny bit of adhesive (source: housebeautiful)
Next, apply a hard pressure with the folded paper to the lampshade. To make sure there are no creases or air bubbles and that the borders adhere firmly, take advantage of your fingers or a smoothing tool.
Step 6: Seal the Paper
After the glue has cured and the paper is firmly in place, seal the entire surface of the paper with a thin coat of Mod Podge. Of all instructions on how to cover a lampshade with paper, this step is considered as critical to protect the paper-covered lampshade from damage, ensure durability and can enhance its appearance.
Apply a thin coat of mod podge to the whole surface to make it sealed (source: mod podge rocks blog)
To guarantee an equal application and prevent streaks, always remember to brush in an identical direction. Proceed with the drying times as directed by the manufacturer. Typically, sealer takes 1 - 2 hours to dry to the touch, but it’s best to let it cure for 24 hours to ensure full protection. If necessary, apply additional coats of sealer for extra protection or a desired finish.
Step 7: Trim Excess Paper
Check the lampshade's top and bottom edges when the sealer has dried and the paper is firmly in place. Look for any overlapping or excess paper and use scissors or a craft knife to trim any excess parts from the top and bottom edges of the lampshade to ensure a clean, professional finish on your lampshade.
Trim any extra paper from the lampshade's top and bottom edges (source: housebeautiful)
After reading the guide, you might want to have a visual demonstration with a video tutorial on how to cover a lampshade with paper. It can provide additional tips and tricks to help you achieve a professional-looking result.
How to Cover a Lampshade with Rope
With its distinct texture and organic appeal, rope is a great material to use to cover lampshades because it complements many different types of design. In particular, if you're going for an eclectic, rustic, or nautical style, a lamp vase might make a great base for a rope-covered lampshade. For detailed visual instructions regarding this topic, you might find it helpful to check the article of How to Make a Lamp out of a Vase, which provides additional tips and tricks to ensure your vase lamp turns out beautifully and functions safely.
Working time
Estimated cost
Skill level
2 - 3 hours
$20 - $60
Materials and Tools for Covering a Lampshade with Rope
Jute, burlap, sisal, or any decorative rope that fits your aesthetic
Metal, plastic, or fabric-covered
Hot glue gun
Secure the rope firmly to the lampshade so that it dries clear
Sealer (Optional)
Add a protective coat and a polished look
Cut the rope to the desired length
Measuring Tape or Ruler
Measure the height and circumference of the lampshade and determine how much rope is needed
Pen or marker
Mark measurements and guide placement on the lampshade.
Brush or sponge
Apply the glue evenly
Note: Please note that these prices are only available at the publication date of this article but are subject to change at any time.
Step 1. Prepare the Lampshade
If the lampshade has an existing fabric, paper, or any other material covering that you wish to replace, carefully remove it. You may need to peel it off or cut it away, depending on how it was attached. Cut off any glued-on covers with scissors or a craft knife.
Prepare a clean and free lampshade (source: susan-snyder)
Before beginning other steps in the process of covering a lampshade with rope, ensure that the surface of the lampshade is clean, dry, and free of any debris, glue, or old fabric.
Step 2. Take the Measurements, then Cut the Rope
Take the measurements of the lampshade’s height and circumference between the upper and lower edges. This helps you calculate the length of rope needed for each wrap to cover the vertical surface.
Measure the height and circumference of the lampshade from the top edge to the bottom edge (source: susan-snyder)
Then, with the measurements you’ve taken, cut lengths of rope to fit around the lampshade. It’s better to cut slightly longer lengths than needed to allow for adjustments and overlaps. Ensure the ends of the rope are cut cleanly to prevent fraying. If necessary, use a craft knife or scissors to make precise cuts.
Step 3. Apply the Glue and Rope
Start at one of the lampshade's edges or seams to apply the rope. This enables the production of a tidy, consistent wrap. Use a glue gun to apply a thin layer of glue around the lampshade where you will place the rope. In order to keep the glue from drying out before applying the rope, carry out the process just in small parts.
Apply glue and rope from one seam of the lampshade (source: susan-snyder)
Then, gently press the rope into the adhesive. Remove any creases or bubbles as you proceed to ensure adequate adhesion and the absence of gaps. Continue wrapping the rope around the lampshade, keeping it tight and even. In order to completely wrap the lampshade, make sure that every layer slightly covers the preceding one.
Step 4. Secure the Top Edge
Make sure that the rope covers the top edge of the lampshade completely. If you’re working with multiple lengths of rope, overlap the ends slightly where they meet at the top edge. To secure the overlapped section, use a small amount of glue.
Ensure that the rope fully encloses the lampshade (source: myweeabode)
After that, fold the ends of the rope neatly under the top edge of the lampshade to create a clean finish. Secure them with glue if necessary. This ensures that the rope adheres neatly and there are no visible seams or loose ends.
Step 5. Trim Excess Rope
To get a tidy finish, clip any extra rope that might be sticking out past the top and bottom margins. Before making any precise cuts with sharp scissors or a craft knife, make sure the ends of the rope line up correctly with the top and bottom edges of the lampshade.
Cut off any extra rope that could be sticking out past the top and bottom edges (source: myweeabode)
Step 6. Seal the Rope (Optional)
After trimming, apply a small amount of a clear fabric or craft sealer to the cut ends of the rope. According to the instructions on how to cover a lampshade with rope, this step is optional but necessary to keep the ends firmly fastened to the lampshade and helps prevent fraying. As directed by the manufacturer, let it air dry fully.
Use a small amount of a fabric to seal the rope’s end (source: firesparesonline)
Step 7. Reassemble and Test the Lamp
After completing the rope application on your lampshade, it’s important to reassemble the lamp to the lamp base as well as test it by plugging it back in and turning it on to ensure everything is working correctly and the lampshade looks as expected.
Test the lamp after reassembling it to the light base (source: susan-snyder)
For additional guidance on covering a lampshade with rope, check out this video for step-by-step instructions.
Tips for Success
The DIY project of covering a lampshade with rope, paper, or fabric can be a creative and rewarding one, as long as you follow these tips for success.
Clean the lampshade thoroughly: Ensure the lampshade is free from dust, dirt, and old adhesive before applying the new cover.
Select the right material: Use the appropriate type of materials with a thickness that goes with your decor style and can enhance the room's overall appearance.
Measure twice, cut once: Accurately measure the height and circumference of the lampshade before cutting the rope to avoid mistakes upon carrying out cover a lampshade.
Apply glue sparingly: To avoid the glue drying out before you apply the material, work in small sections and ensure that the material adheres properly and evenly.
Smooth out wrinkles: As you cover a lampshade with fabric, paper, or rope, ensure that it is smooth and free of wrinkles for a polished, professional finish.
Secure edges neatly: Pay close attention to the edges of your material and secure them neatly to avoid visible seams and create a clean, finished look when covering a lampshade.
Work in a well-ventilated area: Since hot glue can emit fumes, make sure you choose a well-ventilated space to ensure safety and comfort as proceeding covering a lampshade.
Allow adequate drying time: Let the adhesive dry completely as per the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure everything is securely attached.
Overall, how to cover a lampshade effectively involves selecting the right material and method to achieve your desired look. Whether you choose fabric, paper, or rope, each option offers unique benefits as well as involves simple techniques and materials, making it easy to refresh and personalize your lampshade. By following the appropriate approach, you can successfully cover a lampshade and transform it into a stylish and personalized piece. The key is to select the method that best suits your aesthetic preferences and decor needs, ensuring a refreshed and visually appealing result.
Can I cover a lampshade with something else?
You can cover a lampshade using various materials based on your design preference, the style of your room, and the durability needed for the lampshade.
Is it possible to cover a current lampshade with fabric?
Sure, fabric can be used to cover a lampshade. It’s a popular DIY project to customize or update the look of a lampshade.
Can I stick fabric to a lampshade?
Yes, you can stick fabric to a lampshade with fabric glue, spray adhesive, or hot glue.
Is it safe to cover a lampshade?
Covering a lampshade can be safe if you follow proper guidelines and use suitable materials.
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I work as a freelance blogger in Seattle, Washington. I've been freelancing full-time for 5 years. I'm interested in anime, resin art, and mechanical keyboards.
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