How To Make A Tiffany Lamp? 3 DIY Tiffany Lamp Shade Ideas

  • Home Decor 101
  • Posted by: amy-golden
  • Oct 20, 2024

Tiffany lamps are specified by their intricate and sophisticated stained-glass lampshade, which sounds impossible to make by yourself at home. This article will show you how to make a Tiffany lamp in 3 ways that are simple and more budget-friendly, allowing you to refresh spaces with a unique handmade Tiffany lamp.

1. Make A Tiffany Lamp From Glass

If you want to turn your old boring lamp into a wonderful Tiffany lamp or try to turn your creative idea of a handmade Tiffany lamp from the old one at thrift stores, how to make a Tiffany stained glass lampshade may be your concern.

Tools and Materials Needed

1- Materials

  • An old lamp: Used as a lamp base, lamp body, and lampshade frame
  • Stained glass: Create Tiffany lampshades, which determine the primary characteristic of a Tiffany lamp and light diffusion effects
  • Copper foil tape or lead came for framing (if needed): Frame and create a surface for the solder to hold the individual glass pieces together. Copper foil tape is suitable for flexible and intricate design while lead came is ideal for larger, simpler patterns
  • White glue or soldering iron and solder  (if needed): Securely attach glass pieces together to ensure both structural integrity and aesthetic continuity.
  • Replacement lamp components: Replace the old finials, screws, sockets, bulbs or others in case the old ones malfunction
  • Acrylic paints: Paint the glasses or the old lamp
Materials needed for making tiffany lamps from glass
Materials needed for making tiffany lamps from glass

2- Tools

  • Glass cutter: Break and score the glass into the desired shapes based on your pattern
  • Grinder: Smooth the edges of each glass piece, ensuring they fit together neatly without sharp edges
  • Grozing pliers: Trimming off any small, unwanted edges and fine-tuning the shape of your glass pieces
  • Craft blade: Cut excessive glue or materials
  • Black permanent marker: Mark or paint the designs
  • Screwdriver: Assemble the lamp
Tools needed for making tiffany lamps from glass
Tools needed for making tiffany lamps from glass

Step 1: Choose Pattern and Mold

There is a wide range of Tiffany lampshade patterns and designs sophisticated and intricate. Considering the size and shape of the lamp, style, and overall aesthetic of the space, choose an appropriate pattern and mold.

Choose Pattern

Cover the surface of the old lampshade with paper and use a black permanent marker to sketch a basic outline around every edge of the frame to get the right size and shape. Then, cut the paper into smaller pieces that are already marked (if necessary). Free to sketch your pattern designs on paper. Some common Tiffany lamp patterns in stained glass work are flowers, nature scenes, and geometric.

Otherwise, there are many Tiffany lampshade pattern designs printed on paper on the market, which is very convenient. 

Some common tiffany patterns
Some common tiffany patterns

Choose Mold

If you don’t want to reuse the old shade, another option is to use a mold, which contributes to shaping and soldering the stained glass pieces into lampshade form. Four main Tiffany mold shapes include Cone-shaped, dome-shaped, pendant shades and lily shades with various sizes and patterns.

Similarly, Tiffany molds have some popular designs such as geometric or botanical. Based on different patterns, there are different levels of complexity. Some molds don’t have patterns, so you have to design them yourself.

The most common are the H.L. Wordens styrofoam forms (either in sections or full 360 forms) are less expensive and have many patterns available while Odysseys fiberglass molds (full 360 molds only) are virtually indestructible and focus on reproductions of original Tiffany designs.

Four different tiffany shape types
Four different tiffany shape types

Step 2: Choose and Collect Glass

Once you’ve chosen a mold and pattern, the next step is to choose and collect the most beautiful stained glass that suits your creativity and customization needs. Choosing pre-cut sheets for more convenience or buying large sheets and cutting them according to your pattern requirements.

Based on your designs and desired visual lighting effects, pick the appropriate types and color palettes of stained glass. Additionally, you should take the quality and texture of the glass into account.

Colorful stained glass sheets (source: amazon)
Colorful stained glass sheets (source: amazon)

Step 3: Trace the Design Onto the Glass

Place the glass on pattern paper or the mold then use a permanent marker to draw outlines for individual pieces of glass or use the glue bottle of black glue to trace the design onto the glass. Check that each piece properly fits within the overall pattern and adheres to the structural constraints of your design.

It takes time to get the glue dry. After that, you can fix any problems due to shaky hands or excessive glue (the glue runs together where it shouldn’t).

Place the glass up on the paper and use glue to trace the pattern (source: pinterest)
Place the glass up on the paper and use glue to trace the pattern (source: pinterest)

Step 4: Cut, Grind and Foil the Glass

Once you have already traced the pattern on the glass surface:

  • Cutting and shaping glass: Use a glass cutter to cut glass along to the desired shapes and sizes.
  • Grinding: Use a grinder to smooth the edges of each piece to make sure all the pieces fit neatly without sharp edges.
  • Foiling (in case soldered using copper foil or lead): Apply copper foil or lead around the edges of each piece of glass to create a surface for the solder that helps to hold the pieces together. To ensure the material sticks properly to the edges with no air bubbles and create a consistent and smooth finish, press the foil or lead onto the glass firmly with the burnishing tool.
Cut the glass into desired pieces, then grind and foil them
Cut the glass into desired pieces, then grind and foil them

Step 5: Assemble Tiffany Lampshade

You can assemble pieces of glass by glue or soldering depending on your ability and available tools.

Assemble the pieces by glue:

  • Prepare the glue: Dump a small amount of white glue onto a plate. Add some black acrylic paint and stir it up to change your white glue to black (if necessary).
  • Place glass on the lampshade frame or on the mold: Arrange and place stained-glass pieces in their place. Add an appropriate-sized brass ring on the top of the mold to secure the connection and prevent glass pieces from falling out.
  • Assemble the piece: Apply glue around the edges of the glass and carefully stick piece by piece on the shade/mold. Then glue dry.
  • Lift off the mold: Check that pieces are securely joined together and lift off the mold.

Assemble the pieces by soldering: 

  • Arrange and place glass pieces: Carefully put glass pieces at their place, according to the overall pattern, consider adding a brass ring on top.
  • Heat up and melt the foil or lead: Use a soldering iron to heat up and melt the foil or lead to fill the gaps between each piece of glass. Then a strong bond between the pieces is created and joining the pieces together. 
  • Friendly reminder: To achieve smooth and solder lines and guarantee structural integrity and visual appeal, you better highly concentrate, solder slowly and steadily.
There are two methods to assemble the pieces including glue and solder
There are two methods to assemble the pieces including glue and solder

Overall, soldering is not an easy task, to protect yourself from hazardous, you should notice:

  • Adjust to the appropriate temperature while heating the soldering iron 
  • Wear eye goggles and protective gloves
  • Hold the soldering iron to touch the foil or lead solder at a 45-degree angle 
  • Apply flux or solder to the copper foil tape or lead joint
  • Repeat the process until all joints are soldered

Step 6: Finish Touches

Here are the necessary finish touches you should consider to achieve better appearance for your Tiffany lamp:

  • Cleaning: Use a damp cloth and gently wipe down the entire surface of the lampshade to remove flux residue or fingerprints. This will help to reduce corrosion or tarnishing potential.
  • Polishing: Use a soft cloth to apply a glass cleaner or polish to the stained glass shade to give the lampshade a professional, finished appearance.
  • Applying a patina optional treatment: Use a brush to apply the patina solution to the solder lines. Wear gloves to protect your hands. This is such an imperative step in finishing a Tiffany lamp to enhance a unique and antique look. You can go over the process several times until you achieve the desired look.
  • Applying the sealant: Use a brush to cover the lamp’s surface with sealant to secure the openings between pieces of glass. Wait a few hours for it to dry, then use a soft cloth to remove any excess. Notice that sealants may change the color of the solder lines, apply it on a small area to test before brushing it on the entire lamp.
Some finish touches contribute to the perfect appearance of the lamp
Some finish touches contribute to the perfect appearance of the lamp

Step 7: Assemble the Lamp

Carefully place the shade onto the base and ensure it fits securely and other electrical wiring is properly routed and secured. Use the appropriate screwdriver to install the lampshade and the base.

After that, check if there is any wobbling or instability and adjust as needed to ensure it sits perfectly level and looks symmetrical. Then, screw the bulb to the socket to complete the assembly process.

Assemble the lamp components
Assemble the lamp components

Step 8: Test the Lamp

Connect to the power source and turn on the lamp to see and admire the beauty of the lighting effect created by your craftsmanship stained glass lampshade. Moreover, check if the lamp is working stable or not. If not, you may find solutions in How to Fix a Lamp That Won't Turn On: 6-Step Guide

Connect to the power source, turn on, and check the light distribution effect
Connect to the power source, turn on, and check the light distribution effect

How to make a Tiffany lamp video tutorial:

2. Make A Tiffany Lamp From PET Bottle

How to make a Tiffany lamp if having a smaller budget as well as not having the ability or tools to work with glass? Well, we can make Tiffany lamps from PET bottles, which are more popular and cheaper materials.

Tools and Materials Needed

1- Materials

  • PET bottles: Used as a lamp base and lampshade frame, interesting stylized shapes are better (Quantity 2, one 10 liters and one smaller)
  • Plastic soda bottle caps: Used as a lamp body
  • Lamp kit: Install and ensure the lamp serves its lighting function, which includes a lamp socket, 2 hex nuts, a lamp cord (about 1.5m or 5 ft long), threaded pipe about (12 inches long), a plug, a bulb, and a harp (if necessary)
  • Permanent marker: Trace the design on the bottles or mark
  • Ballpoint pens in various colors: Color to create the fake Tiffany lampshade
  • Epoxy putty: Form the base and the tip share(About 250g or 1/2 pound)
  • A piece of thin MDF:  Used to create a lamp base
  • Metallic gold spray paint: Paint the lamp components
  • Transparent spray paint: Serve as a primer for the liquid lead
  • Black and silver acrylic craft paint: Paint the lead to make look like a real Tiffany shade
  • Glossy acrylic transparent varnish: Cover finishing the lamp
  • Black or gray colored liquid lead: Trace the design and create a shell on top of the PET
Materials needed for making a tiffany lamp from pet bottles
Materials needed for making a tiffany lamp from pet bottles

2- Tools:

  • Pliers: Remove the ink tube tip
  • Utility knife and scissors: Cut PET bottles and other excessive things, create holes
  • A ruler and masking tape or measuring tape: Measure the length of the lampshade
  • Cotton swabs: Apply or clean the black acrylic paint 
  • Screwdriver: Secure lamp connection
  • Hot glue and hot glue gun: Attach bottle cap to the bottom
Tools needed for making a tiffany lamp from glass
Tools needed for making a tiffany lamp from glass

Step 1: Choose a Lampshade Pattern and Design

You can search for lampshade patterns and designs on websites such as or, using keywords such as stained glass patterns. There must be a wide range of styles and designs, consider your preferences and the three-dimensional shape of PET bottles to choose the appropriate one then print it on a sheet of paper.

You can use the entire design, combine them together, or use just the interesting bits of the design, and then you can create the rest on your own. Otherwise, you should use your endless creativity to create your own pattern and sketch it on paper.

Choose your favorite pattern on a free website
Choose your favorite pattern on a free website

Step 2: Prepare the Shade

Use a marker to draw a line as a cutting guide (a length as you want, maybe at the middle of the bottle or above a little bit) then make a little cut with a utility knife and use scissors to cut the rest. Remove plastic handles (if have) with the utility knife.

Use measuring tape or masking tape to place all around then remove and stick it in the ruler to measure the length of the body and the neck of PET bottles. Note the number.

Next, divide these measurements by the number of panels your lampshade design has. Use the PET bottles union line (the line running from top to bottom, dividing it in two) as a reference and as your first vertical line.

Based on the division number above, reuse masking tape to place the division marks on the neck bottles (the top of the lampshade) and the wider part of the PET bottle (the bottom of the lampshade). Starting at the vertical line, drop a straight line connecting the marks in the neck to their corresponding counterparts at the bottom.

Prepare the tiffany shape from pet bottles
Prepare the tiffany shape from pet bottles

Step 3: Trace the Design on the Shade 

Place and fix the design paper with tape to ensure it doesn't move. Then, use a permanent marker to draw patterns onto the PET bottle. Depending on your preference, you can draw the entire or only part of the design and freestyle the rest. 'Engravings' or grooves on PET bottles may become your inspiration. Cover the PET shade bottle with transparent spray paint as a primer for the liquid lead.

Use a permanent marker to draw patterns on pet bottles (source: instructables)
Use a permanent marker to draw patterns on pet bottles (source: instructables)

Step 4: Apply Liquid Lead on the Shade 

Lead, as a high-tech adhesive, can stick on PET bottles. Trace the pattern lines with liquid lead and let it dry. Then, apply an additional layer on the backside of the edges to form a shell on top of the PET.

Use a scissor to cut along the edge shape of the lampshade following the figures on the edge (If necessary). Then apply the liquid lead to the edge.

Contain liquid lead on a bottle with a spout to easily draw along the pattern
Contain liquid lead on a bottle with a spout to easily draw along the pattern

Step 5: Apply Patina Optional Treatment on the Shade (Optional)

To make it look like a real Tiffany lamp shade with quite a silvery lead, paint the dry liquid lead with silver acrylic craft paint. Use a cotton swab to apply a diluted coat of black acrylic craft paint or to remove any unwanted black paint stains from the PET bottle lampshade surface.

Use a small brush or  a cotton swab to apply patina on pet bottles (source: instructables)
Use a small brush or  a cotton swab to apply patina on pet bottles (source: instructables)

Step 6: Color the Glass

Use the acrylic varnish and the ball pen ink to paint your lampshade. Take one tablespoon of acrylic varnish, then drop the ball pen ink in the acrylic varnish and mix it well.  Use pliers to take the tip out of the ink tube, then slowly blow the back of the tube to drop the ink out.

Immerse a cotton swab into the paint compound and color your lampshade. Apply at least two layers, let a former layer dry before painting another.


  • The color may turn darker or transparent when it dries.
  • To avoid paint running and dripping all over your lampshade, you should work one section to another of the design at a time.
  • You should not use faux stained glass painting due to easy cracking and bad smell.
Color your shade with the acrylic varnish and the ball pen ink
Color your shade with the acrylic varnish and the ball pen ink

Step 7: Finish the Lampshade

After the paint has dried, it's time to cut the neck and create a hole in each panel to make space for attaching the lamp tip. 

Use a Styrofoam cutter to heat the PET  by letting the hot wire go through slowly and take it out.  Repeat several times all around the neck of the bottle. Or you can use a saw but be very careful not to damage the shade.

After that, use the tip of the utility knife to form holes along the top lampshade.

Make space for attaching the lamp tip
Make space for attaching the lamp tip

Step 8: Make the Tip of the Shade

Mix some epoxy putty and form the putty into the tip shape you like.  If it's not your strength, choose simple shapes such as a flattened ball with a toothpick protruding from its center as long as the putty covers the holes on the top of the lampshade.

If you have already prepared a harp, you can pass this step and go straight to the next one. Otherwise, it's necessary to make a bulb holder. Use some wire to make two circles and twist the edges together. Then use epoxy putty to attach this part to the lampshade.

Use the left putty to make a rivet to attach things to PET.

Make a tip and a bulb holder
Make a tip and a bulb holder

Step 9: Make the Body and Base

The body

Use another PET bottle to make the lamp body. Make holes that are the same or bigger than the threaded pipe diameter to put the pipe through the center of the bottle base and two soda bottle caps.

Then, create four or five at the sides of the bottle base. Utilize hot glue "rivets" and let the hot glue go through the holes of the cap to join it with the bottom of the bottle. Put the threaded tube into the bottle through the bottom hole. Place the second soda bottle cap at the other end and screw it to the bottleneck.

Making the lamp body
Making the lamp body

The base

Double the bottle diameter to measure the base size then draw an ellipse in the MDF. Cut the base with a utility knife and make a hole in the center. This hole is the same size as the biggest hole in the center of the body bottle to fit the threaded tube.

Making the lamp base
Making the lamp base

Attach the lamp body and base

Pass the threaded tube through the hole on the base and screw the hex nut to the threaded tube. Cut the threaded tube at a height suitable to your base lamp.After that, use epoxy putty to form a base around the soda bottle cap, give shape to the base, and push the putty through the four or five smaller holes for the riveting.

Follow step by step to attach the body and the base
Follow step by step to attach the body and the base

Step 10: Finish Touches and Assembly

Screw the lamp socket to the top of the threaded tube and install your lamp kit: the socket, the plug, the bulb, and the cables.

Once the putty dries and hardens the base, paint it with Golden spray paint, patina, alcohol-based wood inks, or brown liquid shoe polish (optional). Then, transparent spray paint it.

Finally, assemble the lamp, place the lamp shade holder on the light bulb and you successfully make a Tiffany lamp from PET bottles.

You’ve completed making a tiffany lamp from pet bottles
You’ve completed making a tiffany lamp from pet bottles

3. Make A Tiffany Lamp From Fabric

Making a Tiffany lamp from fabric may better suit people at beginner level hence it doesn’t require any difficult technique. However, the Tiffany fabric lamps’ lighting effects are not as beautiful as those made from stained glass.

Tools and Materials Needed

1-  Materials

  • A balloon, or beach ball or metal string: Build a lampshade frame
  • Fabric: Used as Tiffany lampshade
  • Glue: Attach fabric onto the lampshade frame
  • Wooden slats or twigs or simple broomstick: Make the lamp stem/body
  • Embellishments such as beads or sequins (Optional): Decor the lampshade
  • A small lamp: Used as a lighting source
Materials needed for making tiffany lamp from fabric
Materials needed for making tiffany lamp from fabric

2- Tools

  • Gypsum or cement: Create the lamp base
  • Plastic bucket: Contain the mixing compound
  • Butterfly screw, screw or metal washer: Join the pieces
  • Drill: Create holes for connection
  • Water and glue: Harden the fabric
Tools needed for making tiffany lamp from glass
Tools needed for making tiffany lamp from glass

Step 1: Choose Your Fabric

Select a fabric that mimics the look of stained glass or fabrics with intricate patterns that resemble Tiffany glass. If not, you can choose a vintage pattern fabric to create a lampshade for a unique twist on the traditional Tiffany lamp.

Tiffany fabric comes in a wide range of patterns
Tiffany fabric comes in a wide range of patterns

Step 2: Prepare the Lamp Frame

The Base

Fill 1/3 of the bowl with water, then add gypsum or cement and mix the compound until receiving a thick homogeneous mass. Next, put one part of the wooden slats into the gypsum or cement compound, and add some little rocks (optional). Wait about 24 hours to dry and pull out the form.

Prepare the lamp base
Prepare the lamp base

The Body

To create the lamp stem, drill the hole in wooden slats and use screws, butterfly screw, or a metal washer to join them together. Then, you can paint, sand or tape it.

Form the lamp body
Form the lamp body

The Lampshade

Use a paper tube to create the lamp socket. Use a blown balloon, or a beach ball as a lampshade frame. Balloons are cheap and popular, easy to lift out but also easy to break. Beach balls, by contrast, are harder but more difficult to remove and expensive. You can also use metal strings and bend them into desired frames.Then, use a nail or screw to nail the small lamp on the frame.

Attach the small lamp to the lamp
Attach the small lamp to the lamp

Step 3: Make the Shade

Cut flowers and leaves or other interesting patterns from the fabric. Soak each piece of fabric in a mixture of water and glue. Then place them on the lampshade frame and wait 24 hours for it to harden. Lift off the balloon or beach ball and we can get the Tiffany lampshade.

Step by step on how to make the shade
Step by step on how to make the shade

Step 4: Finish Touches and Test the Lamp

Trim the excess fabric and finish the edges of the lampshade. Plug the lamp socket to the power source and check the lighting distribution effect.

Further reading: 

Tips for Maintaining and Cleaning

To worth your effort and hard work, try to maintain your masterpiece hand-made Tiffany lamp beauty and longevity with some tips for maintaining and cleaning:

  • Clean regularly and properly: Use a soft lint-free cloth or sponge with lemon oil-based furniture polish, a mild soap, or water solution (does not contain ammonia, vinegar, or acids) to gently wipe the shade. Otherwise, harsh cleaning chemicals may cause potential damage (scratching the glass and weakening the solder joints). 
  • Position and store the lamp appropriately: Better place Tiffany lamps in a dry and dust-free environment. Use a soft cloth or another protective covering to shield it from physical damage and dust.
  • Always handle the lamp with care: Carefully moving and restoring the lamp to prevent accidental breakage or and ensure soldered joints remain intact and secure. In addition, the lamp should not be exposed to direct sunlight or extreme temperatures.
  • Polish or recover with patina (if needed): If the metal base loses its shine, appropriate metal polish can restore it. If the patina has faded or become discolored, you can restore it using a patina restoration solution.
Some tips for maintaining and cleaning your tiffany lamps
Some tips for maintaining and cleaning your tiffany lamps

The Bottom Line

Overall, you can make a Tiffany lamp at home by using three main materials: stained glass, PET bottles, and fabric. Consider your ability, design complexity, personal preference, lighting needs, budget, available tools, and materials to choose the one that best aligns with you.

Hope this “How to make a Tiffany lamp” can inspire you to get started making a unique and personalized Tiffany-style lampshade.


What's the difference between a Tiffany lamp and a Tiffany style lamp?

The Tiffany lamps are artistic excellence, featuring a proportionate mix of vibrant colors created by stained glass while Tiffany-style lamps are modern adaptations and reproductions of their original counterparts in more cost-effective methods.

Are Tiffany lamps safe?

High-quality Tiffany lamps are commonly made from corrosion-resistant and good thermal conductivity metal materials such as copper or steel, which can reduce hazardous risks and guarantee safety.



I work as a freelance blogger in Seattle, Washington. I've been freelancing full-time for 5 years. I'm interested in anime, resin art, and mechanical keyboards.


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