Azerty vs Qwerty: 10 Differences in Keyboard Layouts

  • Keycaps 101
  • Posted by: amy-golden
  • Feb 1, 2024

When it comes to keyboard layouts, Azerty vs Qwerty are two of the most well-known. The Azerty keyboard layout features the letters A, Z, E, R, T, and Y in the top left of the alphabet row. It shares similarities with the Qwerty layout, but some key differences exist: Q and A are swapped, Z and W are exchanged, and M is placed in the middle row rather than the bottom. France and its nearby countries often use the Azerty layout, while Qwerty is more popular worldwide and is the preferred keyboard for many different languages.

Features Azerty Qwerty
Alphabetic keys Dedicated keys for accented characters (é, è, ê, ï, ë, ç) Standard English alphabet order; no dedicated accent keys
Top row A-Z-E-R-T-Y Q-W-E-R-T-Y
M key On the second row On the bottom row
A key On the top row On the second row
Z key On the top row On the bottom row
W keys On the bottom row On the top row
Position of special characters
  • More accessible, often without using combination keys
  • Top row defaults to special characters
  • Different locations, often require key combinations or Alt codes
  • Top row defaults to numbers
Numbers To type, the shift key must be pressed On the same keys as AZERTY
Symbol placement May require Shift or AltGR with different keys; special symbols like [] () on different keys; third level of symbols with AltGR More symbols on top row for direct access; some symbols like [] () require Shift; third level of symbols with AltGR
Language focus French, Belgian, and Swiss French typing English typing
  • May require hand contortions for certain key combinations
  • Some argue it's less ergonomic
Considered ergonomic due to familiarity
Gaming experience May require more key remapping for some games May be more compatible with most games
  • Less compatible with software designed for QWERTY keyboards
  • May require software adjustments or remapping keys
Widely compatible with software and online platforms
Popularity France and Belgium Most of the world
Learning curve
  • May be easier for French speakers
  • Can be challenging for those accustomed to QWERTY
May be easier for English speakers due to widespread familiarity

The AZERTY keyboard is designed for French users, featuring a different arrangement than the QWERTY keyboard. It can be tricky to type on at first, but with practice, it becomes easier to use.

The azerty layout is designed to accommodate the specific needs of the french language (source: typing done well)
The azerty layout is designed to accommodate the specific needs of the french language (source: typing done well)

The QWERTY layout was originally designed for typewriters in the 1870s by Christopher Latham Sholes. It is a specific combination of keys arranged in a particular order, as depicted in the image. Although it is an old layout, it remains in use by most people today, despite the introduction of newer designs.

The qwerty layout is the most commonly used keyboard layout (source: typingdonewell)
The qwerty layout is the most commonly used keyboard layout (source: typingdonewell)

While the Azerty and Qwerty layouts are the most widely known and commonly used keyboard layouts, there are indeed other keyboard layouts available. These alternative layouts are often designed to address specific needs. Read these related articles for reference.

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Similarities between Azerty and Qwerty keyboard layout

Azerty and Qwerty are popular keyboard layouts derived from the Qwerty typewriter design. Some of the similarities between Azerty vs Qwerty are:

Function Keys

Function keys are similarly located in the azerty and qwerty keyboard layouts (source: amazon)
Function keys are similarly located in the azerty and qwerty keyboard layouts (source: amazon)

The function keys (F1, F2, F3, etc.) are in the same position on both QWERTY and AZERTY keyboards. These keys are located at the top of the keyboard and are used to perform specific functions depending on the software being used.

Numeric Keypad

The numeric keypad is usually situated at the rightmost side of the qwerty vs azerty keyboard (source: amazon)
The numeric keypad is usually situated at the rightmost side of the qwerty vs azerty keyboard (source: amazon)

The numeric keypad is a distinct part of a keyboard that enables users to easily input numbers and carry out calculations. It is commonly situated on the right-hand side of the keyboard and has an identical layout on both Azerty vs Qwerty keyboards.

Modifier Keys

Modifier keys are consistently similar between the azerty vs qwerty keyboard (source: amazon)
Modifier keys are consistently similar between the azerty vs qwerty keyboard (source: amazon)

The placement of modifier keys, such as Shift, Control (Ctrl), and Alt, is consistently similar between the Azerty vs Qwerty keyboard layouts. These keys are usually located on the bottom row of the keyboard, on both sides of the spacebar. The position of these keys is almost identical in both layouts, which allows users to perform common keyboard shortcuts and access additional features with ease.

The keys like Enter, Backspace, Spacebar, and navigational keys are placed similarly on both QWERTY and AZERTY keyboards. However, there are differences in the functioning of these keys based on the keyboard settings. For example, on an AZERTY keyboard, you need to press the Shift key to type numbers, while on a QWERTY keyboard, you can directly type numbers.

Key Differences Between Azerty vs Qwerty Layout 

The key differences between Azerty vs Qwerty keyboard layouts are primarily in the arrangement of letters and special characters, which cater to the linguistic needs of different regions. Here’s a brief overview:

Alphabetic keys

The qwerty and azerty keyboard layouts are two different arrangements of alphabetic keys (source: the conversation)
The qwerty and azerty keyboard layouts are two different arrangements of alphabetic keys (source: the conversation)

One of the main differences between Azerty and Qwerty Layout is the presence or absence of accented characters on the keyboard. Azerty Layout has dedicated keys for é, è, ê, ï, ë, ... and other special characters like &, ", ', and ç (in French), which are not available on Qwerty Layout. These characters are important for writing in French, as they affect the meaning and pronunciation of words.

Qwerty Layout, on the other hand, has more keys for punctuation and symbols, such as . , / ? ; : ’ " [ ] { } \ | - _ = + < > and ` ~, which are useful for expressing grammatical functions, such as pauses, emphasis, quotations, etc. Qwerty Layout is based on the frequency of letters in the English language, and it was designed to avoid typewriter jams by separating commonly used keys.

Letter Arrangement

The letter arrangement in the azerty and qwerty keyboard layouts differs significantly (source: coolblue)
The letter arrangement in the azerty and qwerty keyboard layouts differs significantly (source: coolblue)

The letter arrangement of Azerty and Qwerty Layout differs in several ways. Azerty Layout starts with A-Z-E-R-T-Y on the top left, while Qwerty Layout starts with Q-W-E-R-T-Y. Azerty Layout swaps the A and Z keys with the Q and W keys on the top row, and moves the M key from the bottom row to the second row.

The Qwerty layout keeps the "A" key on the second row, with the "Z" and "M" keys on the third row. In contrast, the Azerty layout places the "W" key on the bottom row, while Qwerty keeps it on the top. These differences are based on the unique letter frequencies and typing preferences of various languages.

Position of Special Characters

The difference in the position of special characters reflects the targeted audiences of each layout
The difference in the position of special characters reflects the targeted audiences of each layout

On the top row, the Azerty keyboard defaults to special characters like &  é  "  '  (  -  è  _  ç  à, making it easier to type in French. Meanwhile, the Qwerty keyboard defaults to numbers. This means that with Azerty, you can easily type special characters without extra key combinations, whereas Qwerty requires more effort to access those characters.

When it comes to typing special characters, the Azerty keyboard makes it easier to access them directly, without needing to press combination keys. On the other hand, the Qwerty keyboard places special characters in different locations, often requiring you to press Shift, Alt codes, or other key combinations.

For numbers, the Azerty layout requires pressing the Shift key to type numbers, as they are on the same keys as the special characters. In contrast, the Qwerty keyboard has numbers on the same keys as the letters, so you don’t need to press any extra keys to type them, making it simpler for number input.

Symbol Placement

Compare symbol placement between qwerty vs azerty keyboard (source: adobe community)
Compare symbol placement between qwerty vs azerty keyboard (source: adobe community)

The placement of symbols on QWERTY and AZERTY keyboards can differ due to the variations in the keyboard layouts. Here are the key differences in symbol placement between QWERTY and AZERTY keyboards:

  • Azerty: On Azerty keyboards, accessing some symbols might require the use of the Shift key or other modifier keys in conjunction with different keys, not necessarily the top number row. The location of specific symbols like [] () may be relocated to different keys or require the use of modifier keys. Access to other levels of symbols often uses AltGR to access a third level of symbols on various keys.
  • Qwerty: To access certain symbols on a French AZERTY keyboard, you may need to use modifier keys such as Shift or AltGR in combination with different keys. Some symbols, like [], (), may be located on different keys or require the use of modifier keys. To access a third level of symbols on various keys, you can use AltGR.

Language Focus

Azerty vs qwerty keyboard layout (source: akko)
Azerty vs qwerty keyboard layout (source: akko)

The QWERTY keyboard is the standard layout used in English-speaking regions such as America, Canada, and parts of Europe but is now widely used for typing in various languages. On the other hand, the Azerty keyboard is primarily used in French-speaking countries like France and Belgium. This feature offers various input methods for typing accented characters and other French-language keyboard shortcuts.

It's important to note that both the qwerty and azerty keyboard layouts can be used for typing in languages other than English. For instance, qwerty is frequently used for typing in Spanish, German, and Italian, whereas azerty can be used for typing in Dutch and Belgian French.


The ergonomics of qwerty and azerty keyboards are quite similar (source: medium)
The ergonomics of qwerty and azerty keyboards are quite similar (source: medium)

Regarding physical ergonomics, both keyboards have a home row that is based on the appropriate position for your middle fingers, which provides sufficient ergonomic support. Therefore, the preference between Azerty and Qwerty keyboards is typically a matter of personal choice or the specific requirements of your language.

Gaming Experience

The Azerty keyboard layout, mainly used in French-speaking countries, uses ZQSD instead of the common WASD keys for movement in games. Since most games are designed with Qwerty controls, Azerty users often need to reconfigure the settings. This can be time-consuming and a bit frustrating, especially for beginners.

In contrast, the Qwerty keyboard layout is the standard for gaming, as most games are designed for it. The WASD keys, located on the left side of the keyboard, are used for movement in many games, particularly first-person shooters. This layout is easy to access, allowing players to control movement with their left hand while using the right hand for other tasks, like aiming with the mouse.


The compatibility of Azerty vs Qwerty layouts depends on the specific operating system and software being used. Some of the main factors that affect the compatibility are:

  • The region and language of the user: Azerty keyboards are widely used in French-speaking regions, such as France and Belgium. They have special keys for accented characters and French-language keyboard shortcuts. Qwerty keyboards are more common in other regions, and they do not have special keys for French accents.
  • The type of software and programming language: Qwerty keyboards are more compatible with a variety of software and operating systems, as they are the standard layout for most applications. Most programming languages are also based on English, and Qwerty keyboards have the keyboard shortcuts that match them. Azerty keyboards may need some adjustments or additional configurations to work with some software and programming languages.
  • The support for layout switching: Windows, macOS, and Linux support many keyboard layouts, including Qwerty and Azerty. Users can switch between layouts easily on these operating systems. However, some older software may not support layout switching, and Qwerty keyboards may be more compatible than Azerty keyboards in these cases.


The choice between qwerty and azerty often depends on the user’s location and the languages they type in (source: nepal in data)
The choice between qwerty and azerty often depends on the user’s location and the languages they type in (source: nepal in data)

The popularity of Azerty vs Qwerty keyboard layouts varies significantly based on geographical and linguistic factors. However, the QWERTY keyboard layout is more popular globally.

Qwerty is more popular globally than the Azerty keyboard layout. It's widely used in the Americas and  several regions of Europe and has become the default for multiple languages. Its design dates back to the typewriter era, created to prevent jamming and to speed up typing by separating commonly used letter pairs. Its widespread adoption was further solidified with the rise of computers.

Azerty is mainly used in French-speaking countries, including France, Belgium, and some parts of Africa and offers input methods for French-language characters and shortcuts. Its specialized design for the French language makes it less practical for use in non-French-speaking regions.

The AZERTY keyboard is primarily used in France and Belgium but is also found in countries like Algeria, Morocco, and Switzerland. While it's designed for French speakers, it can be customized for other languages too. This flexibility helps improve communication and productivity and offers a more personalized experience for users across different languages and cultures.

Learning Curve

The learning curve for each layout can vary depending on a person’s familiarity with keyboard layouts and the languages they type in (source: varun priolkar)
The learning curve for each layout can vary depending on a person’s familiarity with keyboard layouts and the languages they type in (source: varun priolkar)

The learning curve of transitioning from one keyboard layout to another, such as Azerty to Qwerty or vice versa, can vary depending on several factors. Here are some considerations regarding the learning curve:

  • The previous keyboard layout of the user: Users who are accustomed to Qwerty keyboards may struggle to switch to Azerty keyboards, as some keys are in different positions. For example, the A and Q keys, and the Z and W keys, are reversed on Azerty keyboards. Users also need to press Shift to type numbers on Azerty keyboards. The learning curve is higher for users who do not speak French well.
  • The language and frequency of the keyboard layout: Qwerty keyboards are easier to learn and use for most people, as they are optimized for English, which is the most widely spoken language in the world. The letters are arranged based on the frequency and combinations of letters in English, which can enhance learning and typing speed for English speakers. Qwerty keyboards are also very common in computing and typing courses, so many people learn them from a young age. Users who know other Latin-based keyboard layouts can also adapt to Qwerty keyboards easily, as some keys are similar.

Keyboard layout preference depends on factors like language requirements, familiarity, and personal comfort. Azerty is ideal for French typists, offering easy access to accented characters. Qwerty is widely used and versatile, compatible with multiple languages and software.

How to quickly switch between QWERTY and AZERTY keyboards?

Do you want to quickly switch from Azerty to Qwerty keyboard or vice versa? Let’s look at 2 speedy ways to get it done!

Way 1:  Shortcut

  • [Alt] + [Shift] or [Shift] + [Alt]: These key combinations are the easiest way to toggle between Qwerty and Azerty layouts. They work on most systems like Windows and MacOS.
  • [Shift] + [Alt Gr]: If your keyboard is set to Azerty, this shortcut should switch it back to Qwerty, or vice versa, depending on your system settings.

If the shortcuts aren’t working, head into your system settings (for Windows or Mac) to confirm that both Azerty vs Qwerty layouts are enabled in your keyboard preferences. Once that's done, the shortcuts should work seamlessly.

Way 2:  Change Settings

Step 1: Open the Control Panel: Click on the Start menu at the bottom-left corner of your screen, and then choose Setting to open it.

Click the start menu, and choose settings to open the control panel 
Click the start menu, and choose settings to open the control panel

Step 2: Go to Language Settings: In the Control Panel, find and click on Time & Language. Then, select Regional and Language Options.

In the control panel, click time & region, then choose region & language
In the control panel, click time & region, then choose region & language

Step 3: Add a New Language: In the Installed Services section, click on Add. This will allow you to add a new language to your keyboard.

Click add in installed services to add a new language keyboard
Click add in installed services to add a new language keyboard

Step 4: Change the Keyboard Language: If your current keyboard language is set to French (AZERTY) and you want to switch to English (QWERTY), select English (US) or English (UK). Similarly, if your keyboard is set to English (QWERTY) and you want to change it to French (AZERTY), choose French.

Select english or french to change your keyboard language settings
Select english or french to change your keyboard language settings

Step 5: Choose the Right Keyboard Layout: In the Keyboard section, pick either Qwerty or Azerty, depending on your preference.

Choose azerty vs qwerty layout in the keyboard section settings
Choose azerty vs qwerty layout in the keyboard section settings

Step 6: Apply the Changes: Once you’ve selected your desired language and keyboard layout, click “Set as default” to confirm and apply the changes.

Click "set as default" to apply your chosen language and layout
Click "set as default" to apply your chosen language and layout


In summary, whether Azerty is better than Qwerty has still been a hot topic over the years. Qwerty is widely used around the world, while Azerty is mainly designed for French speakers. Each layout has its own advantages and disadvantages for different purposes. The best layout depends on the user's preferences, goals, and language. The persistent "Azerty vs Qwerty" debate highlights the need for user-centered design in the tech industry.


Can I switch between Azerty and Qwerty easily?

Yes, it is easy to switch between Azerty and Qwerty keyboard layouts on your Windows computer. For Windows 11, simply press the Windows key and the spacebar to switch between the two layouts. On Windows 10 and 8, you can use the Alt key and the Shift key to switch between the two. If you are using an Azerty keyboard, you can use the Shift key and the Alt Gr key to switch between the two layouts.

Which is more comfortable between the Azerty vs Qwerty layout?

Whether Azerty or Qwerty keyboard layout is more comfortable largely depends on personal preference and language requirements. Qwerty is more globally recognized and used, while Azerty provides input methods for accented characters and French-language keyboard shortcuts. Both offer adequate ergonomic support for users.



I work as a freelance blogger in Seattle, Washington. I've been freelancing full-time for 5 years. I'm interested in anime, resin art, and mechanical keyboards.
